Bespoke Agency

Warrington, UK    8:26 pm

Warrington, UK    8:26 pm

Local Solutions

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4 Weeks

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Created to Support Communities in Liverpool

Local Solutions is a Liverpool based charity working with local communities focused on supporting people experiencing disadvantage, exclusion and vulnerability.


Since its inception in 1974, Local Solutions has been a steadfast ally in the Liverpool community, empowering the vulnerable to gain skills, foster independence, and build brighter futures. With each passing year, their influence has grown, becoming a symbol of hope for countless individuals. When Local Solutions approached Bespoke, they sought not just a website redesign but a digital transformation that would reflect their innovative approach to charity work.

Brand Expression

In our quest to breathe new life into Local Solutions’ digital identity, we delved deep into the heart of their mission. While their cause was noble, we recognised the need to infuse their brand with personality and vitality. Through collaborative efforts, we made bold branding choices, incorporating graphical imagery, dynamic patterns, and interactive elements into their visual identity. By elevating their logo to a central role in the brand experience, we aimed to enhance brand recognition and foster deeper connections with their audience.

The Design

At the core of Local Solutions’ ethos lies the belief in providing a clear path towards support and empowerment. Our web design reflects this ethos through a meticulously crafted user journey, guided by horizontal lines symbolising the incremental steps towards positive change. From the outset, it was evident that Local Solutions’ passion for their cause was palpable. Drawing inspiration from their energy, we created impactful visual assets that resonate with the essence of their mission. The result is a website that not only informs but inspires, empowering visitors to join Local Solutions in their quest to transform lives and communities.

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